8 lemonades recipes for summer
8 lemonades recipes for summer
8 lemonades recipes for summer, Today we will represent for you the 8 lemonades recipes in the summer 2018. Even for a meeting with friends, choose not food, but unusual summer drinks. They give the main pleasure of taste, and the food goes to the background. Try to arrange a non-alcoholic lemonade party and prepare drinks from the chief bartenders of Moscow restaurants.
For some lemonades you need saturated aromatic syrups, which you can buy in a large supermarket or order on the Internet. And for the majority in general, nothing special is needed - everything is on the garden bed or on the counter of the nearest store. tasted by yourself!
8 lemonades recipes for summer: Classic lemonade

The simplest lemonade, which you can cook almost instantly - in Sochi, with a tangerine.
This is advice from the chief bartender of Magellan restaurant Andrei Svidlov.
Lemon - 1/2 pcs (80 g)
Mandarin - 1 pound (100 g)
Sugar syrup - 50 ml
Soda - 200 ml
How to prepare it :
In order to get sugar syrup, you need to take in equal parts sugar and water. While heating and stirring, bring the sugar to dissolve, and the syrup to a boil. Then cook over low heat until lightly thickened.
Lemon cut along 4 slices, tangerine peel and divide into several pieces of 2-3 slices in each. In a glass for lemonade it is good to stretch a lemon and mandarin with a madler, add syrup and dilute with chilled soda water. Stir and add ice.
8 lemonades recipes for summer: for Cucumber plus basil
In This lemonade recipe the lemonade has a refreshing taste with herbal . A very summer drink, not particularly sweet, with a slight sourness. This and the following three recipes were shared with us by the chef-barman of the Valenok restaurant Tamerlan Mayransaev.
Cucumber - 150 g
Basil - 10 g
Lemon juice - 30 ml
Sugar syrup - 30 ml
Soda - 100 ml
Basil - 10 g
Lemon juice - 30 ml
Sugar syrup - 30 ml
Soda - 100 ml
How to cook:
Cucumber cut and mashed with the basil. Add lemon juice, sugar syrup and soda water. Stir, serve with ice.
8 lemonades recipes for summer: for Lemonade «Tarhun»
lemonade recipe this time a very refreshing drink that combines the tastes of natural tar and lime. Tamerlan Mayransaev achieved a rich spicy note in the recipe.
Tarhun fresh - 30 g
Water - 200 ml
Lime - 40 g
Apple syrup - 20 ml
Lime juice - 10 ml
Sugar syrup - 20 ml
Soda - 120 ml
How to cook:
Lime cut and kneaded with the help of the madler. Fresh tarragon pierce in a blender with water, strain. The resulting concentrate is combined with lime, there to add apple and sugar syrups, lime juice. Dilute the soda, mix, add ice.
8 lemonades recipes for summer: for Blackberries plus lychees

This recipe of lemonade from the same chef-bartender - more exotic than the previous ones. It will require ingredients that you buy not in any supermarket, you need to order them on the Internet: the fruits of lychee and syrup 'Litchi'. But what is the result! Delicate and sweet taste of exotic fruits in combination with the juicy berry taste of blackberry give a bright lemonade with a piquant citrus note.
Blackberry - 40 g
Lychee - 50 g
Orange - 30 g
Lemon - 20 g
Lime - 20 g
Lychee syrup - 20 ml
Blackberry syrup - 20 ml
Soda - 100 g ml
How to cook:
Orange (with peel), lemon (with peel), lime (with peel) cut into slices, blackberries and lychee mash with the help of the madler. Add syrup 'Litchi' and syrup 'Blackberries'. Then - soda and mix. Add ice.
8 lemonades recipes for summer: Lavender lemonade
Lavender lemonade from the bar manager of the cafe 'Friendship' Natalia Mangina turns out to be unusual and really tasty. It refreshes and energizes, besides lavender is a powerful natural antidepressant and an effective wrestler with headaches and fatigue. Here, try it!
Lavender syrup - 40 ml Lime juice - 20 ml Soda - 120 ml Dried lavender - 2-3 twigs Ice How to cook:
All ingredients for lemonade pour into a container and mix with a spoon. Add ice and decorate with dried lavender.
How to prepare it
berry smoothie for cocktails Many bar recipes use berry and fruit purees. You can buy canned mashed potatoes, but it's a professional product, and in regular supermarkets they are sold rarely.
How to make any berry puree yourself, told us the brand bar manager of the network 'Varenichnaya No. 1' Grigory Mukhin.
For this, both fresh and frozen berries (or fruits) are suitable. Fresh or frozen berries, without defrosting, combine in a blender with sugar syrup. There, to the mixture of berries and syrup, we add lemon juice. We grind everything with a blender - we get the consistency of liquid berry puree. In fact, one serving of mashed potatoes is difficult to prepare, it is better to mix several at once and then use gradually, storing the mashed potatoes in the refrigerator. 'I use lemon frash in all my mashed potatoes,' says Grigory. - It not only gives fresh taste, but also is an excellent natural preservative. Berry puree with the addition of lemon juice can be divided into portions, put in a freezer, and it will be stored for a very long time without changing the quality. '
8 lemonades recipes for summer: for Lemonade 'Zholo'

Refreshing traditional Georgian lemonade made of ripe raspberries and pomegranate not only perfectly quenches thirst, but also strengthens immunity. This recipe - from the chef of the restaurant 'Kazbek' Mamia Jojua.
Raspberry (puree) - 20 ml Lemon frash - 20 ml Sugar syrup - 10 ml Pomegranate juice - 10 ml Soda - 100 ml Ice How to cook:
Mix all the ingredients in the shaker and pour into a tall glass. Serve with ice.
8 lemonades recipes for summer: Mango and passion fruit

Lemonade from exotic fruits - a real taste of the island, under the palm trees. Just close your eyes and turn on the fantasy!
Passion fruit has a high toning properties, and mango helps relieve nervous tension and will increase mood. This recipe from the barman of the restaurant 'Turandot' Artem Guchkov.
Pure mango - 40 g
Pure passion fruit - 40 g
Sugar syrup - 20 ml
Soda - 150 ml
How to prepare it:
Pour all the ingredients into the glass with ice, stir with a spoon. Decorate with mango slices and half passion fruit.
8 lemonades recipes for summer: Strawberry plus basil

Strawberries with basil, this is already a classic of the genre. Lemonade made of strawberries with basil perfectly refreshes, soothes and cheers. Recipe - from the bar-manager of the restaurant 'Shinok' Andrei Kutyanov.
Strawberry puree - 40 g
Basil red - 10 g
Lemon juice - 10 ml
Sugar syrup - 15 ml
Soda - 200 ml
How to prepare it :
Basil leaves chopped in a blender, add the strawberry puree, lemon juice, sugar syrup, once again punch in a blender. Pour in soda and add ice.
good Appetit! Enjoy!
8 lemonades recipes for summer,
see Also
Creative Fruity Lemonade Recipes for Summer
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