Best Seller Book in Ekaterinburg - Russia 2018 Belong to A 88 years Granny
The Best Seller Book in Ekaterinburg
- Russia 2018 belong to A 88 years Granny
Yes the Best Seller Book in Ekaterinburg - Russia 2018 , Granny-storyteller 88 years old sells her books on the streets of Yekaterinburg, dreaming of publishing a collection.
Recently, in social networks, a story broke about a grandmother from Ekaterinburg, who sells her books on the street. A girl named Olesya published the story of a writer on the Internet, and for several days a collection of soft covers 'Tales and Tales' by Vera SIBIREVOY is one of the most popular books among the townspeople.
Plots for fairy tales - folk. Their future writer recollected from childhood in the Udmurt native village. Vera Vasilievna published 2,000 copies of the book in 1996. But, as the pensioner said, there was no time to distribute and sell the published one. Illustrations for the book painted a daughter. He died recently.
And now Vera Sibireva decided to sell 'Tales and Tales'. The old woman stands near the shopping center 'Yuzhny' (Vtorchermet). The cost of the book is 50 rubles. However, some, says Vera Vasilyevna, give larger bills and do not refuse to surrender.

Vera Vasilyevna plans to spend the proceeds on the publication of the collection of her fairy tales in hardcover. The 1996 book is black and white. A retired woman really wants a colorful beautiful book for her fairy tales.
By the way, the history of the Faith of Siberia is similar to the story of the famous translator from St. Petersburg. Galina USOV knows the whole city. She translated into Russian George BAYRON, JR TOLKIN, Robert BURNS, Henry LOUSON and hundreds of books by other authors. I wrote several of my own books with poems and prose. And in the last few years he has independently published books and sells them near the metro.
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