Russians warned of an outbreak of yellow fever in South America

Russians warned of an outbreak of yellow fever in South America
Outbreaks of yellow fever in South America
Russians warned of an outbreak of yellow fever in South America, Outbreak of yellow fever in South America , The Federal Agency for Tourism of Russia warned about the outbreak of yellow fever on the South American continent. Also Rosturizm advised citizens to be cautious and take this into account when planning trips to South America, according to the official website of the department.
"Rostourism encourages Russian tourists when planning trips to Latin American countries to take into account the epidemiological situation and mandatory to do preventive vaccinations, while Russians on holiday in the region must observe precautions and use repellents," the website of the federal agency said.
According to the WHO 'World Health Organization' , over the past two years, 777 cases of yellow fever have been reported in South America, 261 of which resulted in the death of patients. Most of the reports about new cases came from Brazil.
Rosturizm also appealed to tour operators operating on the territory of the Russian Federation and organizing trips to Latin America, with a request to warn clients about the outbreak of a fatal disease.
It is also worth noting that before leaving for the countries of South America, every tourist should be vaccinated, thanks to which a person acquires immunity to a dangerous virus for life.
Yellow fever or amaryllosis is an acute disease of the viral type, the carrier of which is one of the mosquito species - Aedes aegypti. The most characteristic symptom of fever is the appearance of yellow spots on the body. In addition, patients often experience headache, chills and nausea. During outbreaks, up to 60% of people infected with amarillosis die.

Travelpulse website also Mention The outbreaks of yellow fever
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, travelers heading to Brazilian states of Espirito Santo and Bahia, as well as cities such as Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, are being told to exercise caution after the World Health Organization issued a Level 2 health alert.
The outbreaks of yellow fever began in early 2017, but the Brazilian government announced it had the virus under control by September. The outbreaks started again at the end of 2017, and the Brazilian Ministry of Health revealed 53 people have died since July 1, with the majority coming over the last several weeks.
Areas with Risk of Yellow Fever Virus Transmission in South America

1This map aligns with recommendations published by the World Health Organization (WHO). It is an updated version of the 2010 map created by the Informal WHO Working Group on the Geographic Risk of Yellow Fever.
2In 2017, CDC expanded yellow fever vaccination recommendations for travelers to Brazil due to large outbreaks of yellow fever in multiple states within that country. Please refer to the Yellow Fever in Brazil Travel Notice for more information and updated recommendations.
3Yellow fever (YF) vaccination is generally not recommended in areas where there is low potential for YF virus exposure. However, vaccination might be considered for a small subset of travelers to these areas who are at increased risk for exposure to YF virus because of prolonged travel, heavy exposure to mosquitoes, or inability to avoid mosquito bites. Consideration for vaccination of any traveler must take into account the traveler’s risk of being infected with YF virus, country entry requirements, and individual risk factors for serious vaccine-associated adverse events (such as age or immune status).
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